Well, first I would say, just try not to worry about it now. It will be what it is. It is good that she thought it was easy, though. And I believe the scores should give you a national percentile.

Our school did the OLSAT until last year. They switched to the CogAT this year. But for either, it was my understanding from the school that the teacher read the questions aloud. But this is for 2nd, it seems likely that 4th graders might be expected to take the test independently.

2nd graders in our school have never taken a standardized test before this one, so there was a bit of prep beforehand. And I saw practice worksheets with analogies, patterns, etc. coming home. They were told it was just a way to show "how awesome they are!" I thought this kind of lame, btw.

All in all, I do not think that giving your dd more advanced material should depend on THIS test, but regardless of how she scores her teacher should be able to recognize that she needs more advanced work. BUT, sadly in my experience as well is that this is not always how it works. I too am hoping that DS's CogAT performance will help my case with the school. Good luck!