DD9 has hinted that she would like an iPOD touch, but has not come right out and asked for it. She also wants purple UGGS. This is a difficult dilemma for a fashion conscious nine year old, as she knows that she can't ask for both (But of course, her grandmother would never see her do without :-). DH and I are doing up an art studio for her in the basement. It will be hard to keep that under wraps, but I know she is going to be super excited.

DS3 has only mentioned that he wants more trains. I'm not sure what else he could possibly need in that department, but he maintains that Santa is bringing him more. I'll be interested to see what that is and how we will make room for it. Nanny mentioned something about finding him a Polar Express set. Goody. I am trying to talk him into asking for a Leappad Tablet because I think he will love it.

Who needs Santa when my kids have their grandmother?

Last week, DS came running into the bathroom at 6am while I was getting ready for work. He poked his head around the shower curtain and whispered, "I think I just heard Santa!" I assured himt that it was much too early for Santa, so he decided to go back to sleep and check again later. I'm thinking it is going to be a LONG wait for Christmas this year!!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery