I'd REALLY like to get Butter (8) a kindle fire so she could get off my tablet, but since she's homeschooling now, we should probably get another computer...I'd also like to get The Diva a DS since the Leapster is now a giant papeweight, ugh!!!

I get my kids what I want them to have and there's always at least one gift of art supplies and one handmade thing (doll clothes or felt food/dishes, etc)...

For Butter, I have my eye on...pocket dictionary, small binoculars, microscope, telescope, magic set, chemistry set, paints, canvases, small digital camera

For The Diva (4.5) art supplies, something for dress up, handmade doll clothes...maybe some more play food...and Legos...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...