I dunno. You can't necessarily draw conclusions about peers from one assignment.

As kids, my brother always blew out the curve on math portions of tests and I blew out the curve on language/verbal portions. Both of us tested gifted, but lower, in the other subject area.

Certain things came easier to him (and still do) and certain things came easier to me. That didn't mean we were not intellectual peers.

Here, the full-time gifted program doesn't start until 3rd grade, so my DD7 spends most of her time in a regular 2nd grade classroom (although she is supposedly "clustered" with kids of higher ability making up a good portion of the class).

There are children in her class who cannot tell you what year it is.

Even if your child is on the higher end in the gifted class, I think she will still benefit. The class discussion won't be coming to a standstill waiting for one kid to guess what year it is, know what I mean?