Thanks for all the good questions! I have another conference coming up and this will really help me focus on specific concerns. So to elaborate on a variety of questions...
I have a copy of the assessment scores. It does not say 'Woodcock Johnson,' but several members of my family who administer that test seem to think that's what it is. Online data also points that way. But, if after I describe some of it, anyone thinks it was NOT W-J, please let me know. I need to have accurate data. smile Most of her scores were in the 130s. The bell curve puts them at 98+%. My curve stopped at 145. Her 'Word Attack' score (phonics) was 155. It caught my attention, but even when I pointed this out to the K teacher, she seemed to gloss over it.
The only thing I know about our county's GT program is that it starts at 3rd grade. I do have the opportunity to talk to a county representative next week and I hope to get more information then.
I ask my daughter almost everyday if she is reading or doing math at school. Often, it's flat-out no. Sometimes, there is limited reading. No one is interested when I say she can add, subtract and sometimes multiply with confidence. She completed two years at a Montessori school and they just let her move on and on!
No, I don't think she's making progress. The teacher is focusing on her handwriting. Her handwriting is developmentally appropriate.
I specifically want her to make measurable academic progress. Just like the other kids. But I'm finding that some skills are eroding. Her math skills are just falling out of her ears.
The good (great) news is that she LOVES school and her teacher. Loves it with rainbows and red hearts. I want to be careful and diligent in how I proceed.
Would appreciate any insight. It's frustrating! Thanks so much!!