Hi- I'm new here and at my wit's end with my daughter's K program. Because she missed the birthday cut-off by 3 weeks, she was evaluated in March for early admissions. It is now apparent (I think) that they assessed her using the Woodcock-Johnson tests. She kind of blew it away with most of her scores nestled tightly under the far right of the bell curve and one of them falling well off the page. Her actual skills prior to K were in line with that test. So the problem? Even after two meetings and multiple emails to the teacher, I am being told that she's fine, she's OK, she's happy, why fuss? At what 'standard score' should I bring the assessment back into the conversation? I don't think she is at a level of giftedness that is clearly found here in this forum, but she's clearly ahead of the game. I'm feeling alone with what to do and would appreciate anyone's advice on what to make of these scores and how to proceed. Thanks!!