Originally Posted by crisc
Welcome to the group--there should be a membership card or at least a secret handshake.

Isn't there a secret signal? It's the "head in hands/Holy crap!" eek signal, isn't it? (tee-hee-hee!)

And GT denial claims yet another victim!

GT denial sure got me. When I saw DS6's achievement test scores from his teacher-ID'd GT test, I had a major freak-out moment because I had thought he might hit 140 on some of them, maybe. The fact that he was pushing 160 on some scores--even surpassing 160 on a couple of subtests!--was almost more than I could believe.

"My son? Mine? But...but...I can't understand how I missed that. I mean he's bright, but...that's...that's...Um, okay, so now what?"

Wild ride! laugh
