Originally Posted by Deonne
I don't think the school can keep your child out of the gifted program because of his disabilities if he otherwise has scores that would qualify. It is against the law. They should have him in the gifted program and provide him with the right accomodations. I would strongly recommend a full nueropsychological evaluation with IQ, Achievement, and LD/ADHD testing with someone that you trust and can help advocate for you.

The Tourette's diagnosis is new so until now we haven't had any real thing to say this is what he has. The school hasn't refused him anything, it's more trying to find a place to start while he goes through the testing program. The gifted program, as it is now, is so ill suited for him that sending him would make things worse. They'll challenge but he will refuse it.

The typing thing might work. I've thought about a tablet.