[Hmm, do you have bingo in the rest of the world? The idea is, each player has a card marked with a randomly chosen subset of a set of numbers/items/sayings/whatever, and there is a caller, who calls out in turn a randomly chosen element of the whole set. If you have that element on your card, you cross it off. The first person who has a card with every element crossed off shouts "Bingo!" and wins. Old ladies play it in converted cinemas.]

This morning I crossed off:

"We have lots of children like [DS7] [implied, in his strong subject]"

"We'd keep him with his age group for at least some maths lessons"

"We think it's not good for them to take exams too early"

"EQ is at least as important as IQ"

What else might be on a school bingo card?

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