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Posted By: ColinsMum School bingo - 10/28/11 12:54 PM
[Hmm, do you have bingo in the rest of the world? The idea is, each player has a card marked with a randomly chosen subset of a set of numbers/items/sayings/whatever, and there is a caller, who calls out in turn a randomly chosen element of the whole set. If you have that element on your card, you cross it off. The first person who has a card with every element crossed off shouts "Bingo!" and wins. Old ladies play it in converted cinemas.]

This morning I crossed off:

"We have lots of children like [DS7] [implied, in his strong subject]"

"We'd keep him with his age group for at least some maths lessons"

"We think it's not good for them to take exams too early"

"EQ is at least as important as IQ"

What else might be on a school bingo card?
Posted By: Bostonian Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 12:56 PM
We can teach all students in heterogeneous classes through *differentiated instruction*.
Posted By: herenow Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 01:37 PM
"but then what will she take in high school"
Posted By: Dude Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 01:39 PM
"I knew a kid who was grade-skipped once, and it didn't end well."
Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 01:42 PM
"What about sports? He/She will be so much smaller than the others."

Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 01:44 PM
"ALL children benefit from exposure to GATE (GT) instruction"

"WHEN I offer more challenging work, your child often refuses that as well."

"We CAN'T give her more challenging work or advance her until she shows she can do this work."
Posted By: remalew Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 01:47 PM
"Talking to you as a mother, not a teacher, don't you think that you have just given him too much too soon?"

"After 3rd grade, all the kids even out."

"If you let him move ahead, where will he be in 10 years?"

"He needs to focus on his coloring and scissor skills."

"I know he knows all of it already, but he needs to complete all his work before I give him something more challenging."

Posted By: remalew Re: School bingo - 10/28/11 01:49 PM
Oh... and the best one.... "He is not allowed to read books in my classroom."
Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/30/11 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by remalew
"I know he knows all of it already, but he needs to complete all his work before I give him something more challenging."

If I had a dollar for everytime I'd heard that in the past 3 years, I could afford a fancy private school wink lol!!!
Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/30/11 01:10 AM
"Even if you chose this homeschool option, we don't provide subject acceleration because what would happen if you put her back in regular school?"

duh...I think I would not be putting her in a school that can't meet her needs again
Posted By: SDMom Re: School bingo - 10/30/11 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by 2giftgirls
"Even if you chose this homeschool option, we don't provide subject acceleration because what would happen if you put her back in regular school?"

duh...I think I would not be putting her in a school that can't meet her needs again

Eek. I'm guessing MEA?
Posted By: Mamabear Re: School bingo - 10/30/11 05:09 PM
"If I let your child read at rest time, then I have to let all the kids read"
(GOD forbid kids read in school!)
"She can do the work,but better that she is bored now rather than when they run out of things to teach her in upper grades."
"She's not gifted, she is an exceptional test taker."
"We have lots of kids just like her, we challenge every student."
Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/30/11 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Mamabear
"We have lots of kids just like her, we challenge every student."

If you have "lots" of kids like mine, why is MINE the only one that seems to be having behavior problems?
Posted By: trinaninaphoenix Re: School bingo - 10/30/11 06:08 PM
We cant test to see if she is ready for first grade, there are no tests.

I was told this by a homeschool charter school.
Posted By: doclori Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 01:08 AM
"Giving your child different work isn't fair to the other kids."

"We just don't do grade-skipping in this district."
Posted By: keet Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 02:07 AM
"We can't give him accelerated work in math because he needs work on social skills"

"We won't give him a test to see if he's ready for Algebra because only a teacher can make that determination. We can't take the word of his elementary school teachers either because they don't know what we teach in middle school"

"He can't know that already because we haven't taught it yet"
Posted By: Spkssftly Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 02:12 AM
"We don't want to hurt his self-esteem by giving him harder work"

"What will we teach him next year if we accelerate him to 5th grade math now?" -- (school is K-5, DS is in 3rd)

Posted By: Spkssftly Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by keet
"He can't know that already because we haven't taught it yet"

Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 03:23 AM
"I don't care how "bright" she is, she needs to learn that sometimes you just have to do boring things."
Posted By: MumOfThree Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 07:51 AM
"We have LOTS of VERY bright children" (heavily implying that my child is not one of them)

"We don't see it"

"You understand we can't do readers with her of course" (apparently "readers" = dirty word)

"The other children will do the extension work, but she isn't interested in that either"
Posted By: doclori Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 09:52 AM
Hearing all of these reminds me of my mental list of things NOT to say during the parent-teacher conference. My favorite:

"Well, if you're going to continue to teach 'the cat sat on the mat,' could you at least open the windowshade so he'll have something interesting to look at?"
Posted By: Mamabear Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 10:28 AM
"2e is a comfort phrase for parents who have a hard time accepting a SpEd child."
"2e means consulting with the classroom, not direct services."
"If she wouldn't get upset when she is frustrated, we would consider alternatives."
Posted By: revmom Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 11:04 AM
"You can't identify a gifted child until the 3rd grade."
Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by MumOfThree
"The other children will do the extension work, but she isn't interested in that either"

BINGO! lol! ugh!!!!
Posted By: herenow Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mamabear
"2e is a comfort phrase for parents who have a hard time accepting a SpEd child."

My jaw dropped reading this. What did you say???????
Posted By: OrangeFish Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by remalew
"Talking to you as a mother, not a teacher, don't you think that you have just given him too much too soon?"

Oh yes - have I heard that one. And the ancillary, "he has been exposed to inappropriate materials for his age."
Posted By: 2giftgirls Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by OrangeFish
Originally Posted by remalew
"Talking to you as a mother, not a teacher, don't you think that you have just given him too much too soon?"

Oh yes - have I heard that one. And the ancillary, "he has been exposed to inappropriate materials for his age."

*snicker* This reminds me of the time my dad had me read aloud from one of his college engineering texts for his friends. I was 4 probably. Then I explained what I just!
Posted By: daytripper75 Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 03:26 PM
"All children are gifted in our school district."
Posted By: doclori Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 03:39 PM
"Everyone thinks their child is a genius."
Posted By: ultramarina Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 04:28 PM
"These early readers may be able to decode the words, but they really don't have the comprehension."
Posted By: ultramarina Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 04:32 PM

"Well, you could switch her to the gifted school, but that's really more for VERY gifted children..." (We switched her. DD's first report card at the gifted school= straight As.)

"She doesn't work ahead in the math book like some of the other children do. She chooses to read solo instead." (= "Why she didn't need math acceleration")
Posted By: MidwestMom Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 04:37 PM
"It's okay if she already knows the material because extra practice (on math concepts that she's known for years) is good for her."
Posted By: WannaBeGTEduc Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 06:04 PM
Principal: "she has to be able to behave well in class before we will consider adding any differentiation"

Us: "Her behavior was great until she got tired of repeatedly telling everyone she was bored and being ignored."

Principal: "I think if you will put a videocamera in her room, you will be surprised at the behavior you see"

[later that same year...]

Principal: "I know that the school for exceptionally gifted is great at meeting the needs for those who qualify, but that's not what we're dealing with here" (our DD qualified later that month).

The above was for DD who is now 11 and thriving at the awesome gifted school. Fast forward a few years to teacher conference for DD6, who is already starting to have behavior problems (in 1st grade):

Teacher: "she's not ready for the 1 day/week pullout program. She needs more classroom time first because there are gaps in her learning."

You would think that with an older sibling who has paved the way, it would get easier the 2nd time around... but so far, we are on the exact same path. And we even sent DD6 to an expensive private school for early-entrance Kindy to avoid the boredom for a couple of years until we could hopefully get her into the exceptionally gifted school. Once again, we can't even get her into the one day/week pullout program.
Posted By: revmom Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 06:29 PM
"Have you thought about doing something else with your child?" i.e. homeschool or private school
- I wanted to say "I've only thought about it every day since we've had a change in administration."
Posted By: Edwin Re: School bingo - 10/31/11 08:16 PM
I did get one bit of input from the District Superintendent at a meeting we had. There are some children whose academic needs may not be met by public school, but we will try to meet your sons. I liked the honesty in her response and the district has been very accommodating.
Posted By: doclori Re: School bingo - 11/03/11 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by revmom
"Have you thought about doing something else with your child?" i.e. homeschool or private school
- I wanted to say "I've only thought about it every day since we've had a change in administration."


Our principal, who has been extremely helpful, recently said, "I don't believe in private school, but that might be the best option for your son."
Posted By: MumOfThree Re: School bingo - 11/04/11 01:16 AM
BINGO! Only they were talking about me...

"It's okay if she already knows the material because extra practice (on math concepts that she's known for years) is good for her."
Posted By: Skylersmommy Re: School bingo - 11/04/11 02:39 AM
Regarding my youngest dd.....Did you know your daughter knows all the months of the year? (from her kindergarten teacher) with a giggle..yes she's known them for a while. (she knew and could say them at 18 months)
Posted By: epoh Re: School bingo - 11/04/11 02:03 PM
Last year's 1st grade teacher "Your son wasn't selected for the GT program due to his behavior." *sigh*
Posted By: ljoy Re: School bingo - 11/05/11 02:16 AM
Me: you're showing me these test results that are really exceptional, that show all this great potential. Then you tell me she's got a fine placement, because her work is barely below average for her class. What about accommodations that would allow her to work at her potential?

Principal: we get that question a lot. The truth is, we don't have the resources- or the responsibility- to do that.

We pulled her from the school two weeks later.
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