With 2-E, frequently the best placement is at the level where there is academic challenge. The school should theoretically be able to do this while still providing appropriate supports and accommodations for the disabilities.

You can actually make a solid argument that instruction at an accelerated pace and level is an ADHD accommodation for a child who is both gifted and ADHD, because the more novel and engaging the material, the more it captures attention.

A child who is both disabled and gifted doesn't have to choose one of the other. Appropriate gifted placement with accommodations for disabilities (either through an IEP or a 504 plan) is what you should probably be aiming for.

ETA: The "easier" the work, the harder it is to force yourself to pay attention. "Careless" errors due to ADHD or errors due to dyslexia or dysgraphia should not be taken as an indication of inability to master concepts.

Last edited by aculady; 10/24/11 12:34 PM.