My DS is 8 and in most areas is doing middle school work. His handwriting is that of a 6 year old :-) I try to do more unit studies and go "deeper" rather than "wider." For example, one of his favorite subjects is mythology. He's pretty well versed in Greek and Roman mythology at this point so we dove deeper into Egyptian and Norse mythology. We spun from there into fables and folktales and into tall tales of the American frontier. We're wrapping up investigating creation myths of native populations and a discussion of how the mythology of ancient cultures helped support the governmental structures. The grade level standard is "Identify key figures in greek and roman mythology". We finished that weeks ago :-)

I figure I have about two more years in math before I can't keep up anymore. We're doing AoPS Pre-Algebra and it's a challenge for me too. I assume Algebra will be the same and that my humanities based brain will cramp up after that! We'll get a tutor, take online classes or work it out somehow.