It seems like this has been discussed but I can't seem to find it anywhere, so . . .

My DD is in 6th grade math at a new private school. In 5th grade she was in a math group that the teacher said was delving into quite a bit of what is considered 7th grade math at the middle school. So, we had her tested to see how what she was learning compared to the private school curriculum. She tested well, but not quite well enough to be placed in their 7th grade math. Unfortunately, her 6th grade math teacher admits she won't learn anything new until probably December. Since the other subjects are more challenging at her new school and since she's busy with a few afterschool activities, she decided she just wanted to do a little math at home in her free time. But, she really hasn't had much luck doing it consistently and really wants to learn new math concepts at school.

We want to meet with her teacher this week to see what can be done to get her new, harder math within the classroom. However, they use Saxon math, which has a lot of repetition built in, and I'm not sure what to ask for. She doesn't want more work (although she says a little more work would be okay), just different work to actually learn something. There are no computers in the classroom for her to work independently on a different math program.

Anyone have any ideas of what we can ask her teacher to do for her within the context of Saxon math?

She thought she could, so she did.