Hi everyone. I am new here and would love some advice as I prepare for my sons upcoming conference. My son is in first grade and I am trying to figure out how to advocate for him. I am struggling with how best to approach the teacher and what is reasonable for me to ask for.

My son is not formally identified as gifted. He was tested for the schools gifted program last year but did not get in. His school uses the cogAT and NNAT tests along with MAP scores. His cogAT scores, in all three areas, were only in the low 120's with 132 being required. He did get a score of 136 on the NNAT (132 is required) and had MAP scores in both math and reading above 99% but without the required cogAT scores he was not accepted. I was not too concerned as it is a pull-out program of only two hours per week.

However I do feel my son needs enrichment and am not sure what is reasonable to request. Because he is not identified as gifted I have heard the school is much less willing to assist you. My son's Fall MAP scores are 209 in reading and 212 in math. With the new NWEA 2011 norms that puts him at:

Math: GL 99%, +1 99%, +2 94%
Reading: GL 99%, +1 98%, +2 90%

My son, though happy overall with the social aspect of school, has been asking me daily when he will be able to learn something. He has even requested I talk to his teacher. I feel like I need to do something but am not sure what.

I am also considering outside testing. Though the school will not accept it I am wondering if it will help me make some educational decisions. I am wondering if we need to consider other schools or options. When testing is done does the examiner give recommendations on the best educational fit? DO you think it is worth testing with cogAT scores that are not in the gifted range?

Sorry this is a bit long, I would just love any input on how best to approach his teacher and what I can suggest for enrichment? I am happy to do enrichment outside of school but also want to make sure he is getting some of his needs met at school.

Thanks so much reading and for any advice you can provide!