Ah, thanks for resurrecting the thread, it reminds me that I should update. I don't think perfectionism is in play here, actually. We recently had a meeting with DS7's class teacher and the special needs teacher about this among other things. They confirmed that there's clearly an issue in that DS writes more slowly and, by choice, less than his peers. However, he's apparently doing fine in terms of producing needed output so far this year, and now that the year is underway he's no longer worried about it. Given this and that he's steadily improving, the plan is just to keep an eye on it and be encouraging; they also planned to try giving him a squeezeball which might help him to avoid cramping up his hand muscles. We're also continuing to encourage him to learn to type, and apparently at least for the first set of serious exams he'll face (which are 6 years in the future anyway, so really not to worry yet) it's already fairly easy to get permission for slow writers to type rather than handwrite extended work; it may be that he really is in the first generation that will never need to be able to handwrite for many pages together. (Exams were the only time I ever needed to, and I remember finding it hard!)

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