Welcome M2G. I agree with AMom, I don't think the PSI is that low. And if processing speed was an issue, I don't think he would be flying through his work?

Is his eye issue still causing problems? Has he had any accomodations for that or any academic accomodations?

Do you have any other testing like the Woodcock Johnson or NWEA MAP testing or the school assessments that would show he is an advanced reader?

I don't agree that he necessarily has to demonstrate his best work day in and day out (for over 3 years) before he gets work at his level and he has already proven that he is bright by having a FSIQ of 141. However, you may need some additional scores to get around this teacher? Or, do you think you can work with this teacher? Can you go over her head? If he does have achievement scores and they don't seem to match IQ, then I would wonder about some type of learning disability (and I would wonder why the school isn't wondering about that). Determining whether there is a learning disability would likely require further assessment.

Also, you mentioned that he doesn't like to sit and read. Do you think that is because what he is reading is not interesting or challenging? Or, could there possible be attention issues?