Our prinicipal said point blank our District has no more official GATE program. Kind of makes me glad I didn't go running for a gate track at another school. It is now under Special Ed (which I already thought it was) so any money there is goes for the kids with the greatest needs, whatever those may be.
I don't think it's going to make much difference in the day to day reality of the classroom. It's not like you are going to stop the teachers from doing what they are good at, if they are good at it. It might mean more fundraising (though for sure at my school NOT for specific gate type stuff) or less field trips. Our school is small and I think it's Title 1? more than a certain % get free/reduced lunch.
On the other hand, our very small, but hardworking parent's assoc has managed to provide a drama enrichment for the K-6 for 2 years in a row and we are doing a dance theatre thing this year. We are looking to hire a Spanish teacher for the K-6 and have arranged a guitar teacher after school, $40 for 8 weeks, once a week, guitars provided. Our 4th graders actually have orchestra as part of the cirriculum.
Those things are good for everyone, I think, so I'm just going to worry about my one kid and meeting her needs than the program as a whole, at least for now wink lol!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...