Thanks smile He's been on medication, that's it. Even on the medication, he isn't great at following directions and getting stuff done. He does say it improves his concentration at school though. But the general organization and personal care stuff doesn't change. DH and I have pretty much taken everything away from him and he has to ask to have something and needs to put it away before getting anything else. It's very time consuming and frustrating for everyone. I do think we were expecting too much I guess. The kids (I have 5 altogether, ds11 is the oldest) all have chores. DS can't complete a chore without constant supervision. It's hard to tell if he really isn't able to or if he just doesn't want to. I know that no kid really loves chores but we've tried every punishment/incentive in the book and still, we're left scratching our heads, wondering where the heck we went wrong!!

I will admit, I'm not the best at organization and having 5 kids doesn't help. I had to create a rigid schedule for after school or else I get NOTHING done. I can't bend the rules at all or else everything turns to a chaotic mess until I can finally wrangle the kids into pj's and declare it bedtime!! Mornings are no better Just substitute pj's and bed for car seats and school drop off!! I think that if I can finally get myself together, everything else MIGHT fall into place. But that might not ever happen. Cause I'm a master procrastinator...But I'm working on it. Promise wink