A lot of people in this thread have indicated that it was normal within their families to be gifted. This goes against my limited understanding of genetics and intelligence, but it may make sense given that this forum acts as a selection bias.

In general, my understanding is that the offspring of people who are exceptional within their populations will regress toward the mean of their population norms. So, for instance, if a bunch of people with IQs 2+ standard deviations above their population average were to mate, on average their offspring wouldn't have IQs as high as their parents. But, some of the offspring would have IQs just as high or higher than their parents (due to variance) and those are the parents represented on this forum.

If this is correct, then I think it may have an important impact on what expectations these parents may have regarding their grand children.

If this is wrong, someone please tell me why.

Oh, and as for the main topic of this thread, I'm the one who first considered that my daughter may be exceptional. She hasn't been tested or anything, so we don't have absolute confirmation... but her daycare provider has spoken to us about our daughter being a "little adult" who speaks like children years older than she is. I'm also the only parent who seems to be terribly concerned about the special needs that may be associated with her intelligence. But that might be because I was cold-stored (opposite of hot-housing)by my parents and in school.