I think it would have been at around 18 months I feel pretty sure she would identified as gifted. My husband thought I was mad when I tentatively suggested it. Even though she was reading at 2.5 neither he nor the few family members I'd told thought anything of it. He came round a bit as he saw more and more other kids, but it wasn't until she was tested and he had an 'expert' opinion that he took it seriously. When we told the few family members we'd already been discussing things with her % they said 'oh, of course, we've all tested like that'... So I think for them what she was doing was just normal.

Kathleensmum, I can so relate to your story re you doing the research and DH the grunt work. I laughed reading that as word for word that's what happens here. smile

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke