Thank you so much for the feedback. It is so helpful! I will explore more but from what I can tell so far Biltmore would be out of our price range, and while it is the kind of neighborhood I would love, dh would rather have a bigger/newer house. And we need 4 bedrooms b/c dd10 would lose her mind sharing a room with dd4! So I think for now I will focus on PVSD and then SUSD.

Did you use a private tester? I was thrilled to see that Dr. Beljan was in Scottsdale--while dd10 is pretty straightforward I think his expertise will be very helpful with dd4 (and also with myself! if we have any $ left when we are done with the kids)

As far as private school--we are spending a fortune now for our 3 kids including our son with Down syndrome on private school because there isn't a viable public option here. We are trying very hard to make the public schools work wherever we end up next.

Thanks again for your response!