On the math contets, yes and no. The ES has no math club or contest, so I started one 2 years ago. This will by our thrid year and I use MOEMS, and 24 the game for fun. The MS (6th-8th)also has no math contest or math club, so I am starting one this year, I also have DS9's math teacher working with me on the club at MS. (I need the help, I am not very good at math). DS will be able to take te AMC8 because their is no grade or age restrictions. Howeverf he cannot take Math Counts until next year when he willl be a full time student in MS. I do keep my eye out for other competitions. The Orange County Math circle has a couple of contests they host and DS has attened the last 2 years. He will also be able to particpate in any of the MS contests we set up internally with the new club. Its an after school club.