You would think by now I would have a handle on things. DS9 grade skipped 2nd grade currently starting 5th and attends MS 7th for math, very mathy kid. The 5th grade teacher has asked to meet with us and the principal about gaps in his 5th grade testing. School, just started and apparently the teacher has some areas of concern after giving him a 5th grade math assessment. This is the same teacher he had last year for 4th and he was top of his class in 6th grade math. Over the summer we did almost no math. I am not looking forward to having to explain easy on easy off. Has anyone had this issue and how did you work it out. Note the teacher, and principal are great, but they would not have called for this meeting if they where not concerned. The battle to get him into middle school last year went right up to the district superintendent in order to get the correct accommodation. I still believe that the 7th grade math curriculum is too easy for him and he would be better suited by Algebra, however the 7th grade teacher believes he will keep DS sufficiently challenged, so we are giving it a try.