I would COMPLETELY agree with you. Neither my husband nor I ever took the easy way out. I have always been one to challenge myself. Life is full of obstacles and it takes a great amount of discipline and focus to persevere. Since DS is only 3 I try not to push him too hard though. I am not thinking for Kumon to be a long term thing. Just something laid back that might fit him at this point in his life when he is just looking for learning opportunities. We already do all kinds of 2nd-3rd grade workbooks and he loves it. Just thinking Kumon might help me organize what he is learning a bit more. As of right now we are all over the place. We have a scheduled appt. on Saturday to go in for an assessment. It is free and I thought it wouldn't do any harm to just check it out. We might hate it...:-).

THANK YOU for all your input!!