Originally Posted by Gladys
My son was placed in a gifted class for 30 min, then taken back to the regular class. Who do I need to talk to, to place him in a all day gifted class. He is getting confuse about how much he knows, and his writing problem. I need some advice, thank you!!!!
There may be a gifted coordinator at your school. If so, that would be a good person to talk to. If not, call the school phone number and ask "who do I talk to to learn more about the gifted program?"

Is the teacher who you think is harming your son this year's teacher or last year's teacher? It sounds like you got all your information 2nd hand, and that periodic meetings with his main teacher is a great idea. I heard some while wild stories about my son's teachers over the years, but I can promise that they heard wilder tall tales about me from 'you-know-who.' My son had his kindy teacher convinsed that he had a baby brother - NOT!

If your son is suffering from a clinical level of anxiety regarding writing, this needs to be dealt with, and you are the 'messenger.' I hope the school or psychologist treat you well. If it's something you can help him get over at home, take a look at the 'children who hate writing' thread for some tips.

Hope that helps,

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