I had my son evaluated at our university Speech and Language center recently. His early speech development was rocky and required a lot of therapy. He got discharged last year for being too smart (my interpretation, clearly), but I continued working on speech based on what I picked up on in the 15 months watching speech therapy sessions.

In the last year, his language skills have gotten really spiky. My reading on Dr Google points to either a language processing problem or a form of dyslexia. Both of these explain part of what I'm seeing, but huge parts of each language processing disorders and dyslexia *don't* fit him.

In our meeting with the clinician immediately after the testing, I left with the sense that they were so wowed by his math score that they couldn't focus on anything else.

I got the report last night. The clinical supervisor is out until Tuesday. The scores vary by 5 standard deviations on the K-TEA II, and the report contains no comment on this. Some of the variation is likely that he hasn't yet been in school despite being nearly 6, and therefore not exposed to things like writing.

DS is 5 years 9 months, starting kindergarten today.

Can someone back out grade level equivalents for these scores based on my (limited) info? I'm trying to tease out "old for grade" vs "not ok, maybe dyslexia"


His Language Processing Test: Elementary 3rd ed scores (administered after the above, including the hour and 10 minutes on math)

{snipped for internet memories}

Any "over the internet diagnosis I bet you're looking at this" ideas?

Last edited by geofizz; 08/18/14 08:39 AM.