Originally Posted by beak
Ptp-this article on teaching argument skills is excellent. We've been doing a few of these things because DS is a natural negotiator and problem solver. We've tried to support his solutions when appropriate. I'm going to use some of the strategies myself, amnd teach them to DS. Thanks!

LOL I loved that article ptp posted.

Ok. So how do I teach my daughter AND my husband to argue with me using logic? DH gets really mad at me if I start getting too logical with him. Sometimes, he just wants his feelings to be recognized or doesn't want to analyze a situation if it makes him feel bad. I don't want to denigrate the value of the feelings. Feelings are valid, even if illogical most of the time.

I remember in first grade this girl used to chase me all over the playground at recess and hit me (often with her jump rope.) I don't know why no one ever stepped in. Anyway, I realized she just wanted someone to play with because she didn't have any friends, so I negotiated with her and told her I would play with her some days if she would stop chasing me and hitting me. Then, I would play with her some days and I would come up with good reasons why I couldn't most of the other days. Persuasion is a useful skill! grin