I was recently reading about the virtues of narration, dictation, and copywork with narration being the retelling of a tale in your own words, dictation being creative storytelling, and copywork as itself. I asked here about a good early intro to the art of the debate (being the contrarian mother of a similar child) and was answered that a good grasp of grammar was the key to being understood and by extention the key to a good debate. I did buy one of those critical thinking workbooks and the first story in it began with Mrs. A. being afraid to fly and ended with her enjoying the flight so much that she was sad the flight was over. The questions challenged the children to synthesize this sequential change happening throughout the story, whereas another workbook we have for the same grade level ask more cut and dry facts such as "list three people who were in the race.". And, "what was the name of the race?"

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar