Thank you.
DS seems to be ok with the idea, now that we have let him know. I told him that he would be the same age as most of the kids in his class and if the cut off date to enter K had not been Sep 1 he would have been in that grade anyway. (He missed the cut off by a few days.) So it is not a big deal other than he will have to make new friends again. And I also told him that since it is an accelerated 2nd grade class a lot of the material will be 3rd grade level and he will have the opportunity to learn more.
Yes he does have sensory integration problems Aculady. He started OT a few weeks ago. Hopefully it will help with the impulsiveness. I hope we can work with his new teacher more closely now that we know why he behaves the way he does. Work in more sensory breaks into his day.
Of course I'm nervous for him, but at the same time I know that changes need to be made so that he does not spend 85% of his day bored in school and tuning out most of it.
I'm happy that so far the school has seen that he needs accomodations beyond what he received during K. I hope the meeting with Principal, teachers, and GT coordinator allow for more flexibility with math than just 3rd grade math for the year. But at least we are making progress, so I am grateful.

I have one last question. DS has one friend that was in his class last year and would have been in his class again if he were going into 1st. How do I explain the grade skip to his mother? Skips are very rare in the school, DS may be the second.
His friend is very bright and they have a lot of common interests and get along very well, so I don't want him to lose his first real friend.