Regarding testing, I would only consider a person recommended by a parent of a gifted child. Ideally, the recommendation would be from a similarly gifted child, whether you believe your child to be 2e, PG, or what have you. NEVER pick a name from a phone book and then ask them if they know about gifted children. Ask around here or look on hoagie's gifted for a known entity.

I think you have two issues in your second paragraph. One is that your child needs to learn some patience and tolerance. I don't know what your religious persuasion may be, but I like the old adage, "There but for the grace of God, go I".

The other issue is that the other children's parents are feeling awkward about your dd's gifts. My suggestion is that you let them learn to deal with it. I don't mean this in a harsh way, but you should not encourage your dd to dumb down so as to appease them. Just let her go on being herself, as long as she is not being rude or insensitive to others. It isn't your job to make them comfortable.

welcome to the board!