Originally Posted by DeeDee
Convincing your husband: this is hard. ... The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome is a helpful beginner's book, if he's willing to read it and consider it. If not, try to get your husband into situations where your son is with other, NT kids his age. Events like cub scout meetings always throw the oddities of an AS child into fairly sharp focus, for better or for worse.Hope that helps--
I agree. Hands-on observation with agemates has been very helpful to DH. Putting him 'in charge' if possible, so he will really focus on the whole group. Often when the children get diagnosed with a 2E issue, especially ADHD and AS, one (or both) of the parents have an A-Ha moment as well. If not themselves, then a close family member who they always wish they could have helped but couldn't.

If you can ask DH's family members what he and his sibs were like as a child, it might give you helpful 'factoids' to 'connect the dots' with DH. As in: "That it dreadful when DS did X yesterday, wasn't it?...sure reminds me of that story your mom tells about when Y did Z."
DH: "No that was totally different because A,B and C"
You: "Oh, I see."
But even if DH responds 'negativly', it gets the wheels turning, which is the babystep you need.

Love and More Love,

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