Hi all,

Thanks for all the input. Yesterday, my son came home practically tripping over himself to tell me he'd finished all his work. He meant THAT day's work not the overdue, unfinished work, but was still quite proud that he'd gotten through it. He was supposed to be working on the uncompleted classwork during the morning when the other kids were out playing (not recess--just extra morning activity), evidently it was to be done on the playground. Can you guess how much was completed??? Yeah, about 5 problems in two days. I told him he needs to get a move on about it and wanted him to do some along with his homework (easy stuff). Something must have gotten to him b/c that kid sat down after me chasing him down all afternoon (during younger son's playdate) and not only did some of the work but almost finished it. It took him about an hour of just writing it down--that's how much there was!

I was so proud of him and his change in attitude. He said he "liked doing it, well, not so much doing it but getting it done. And, I kinda liked doing it too." Mostly, he had a huge sense of accomplishment from having this hanging over his head and now most of it was finished. Yay! Also, his AIG teacher pulled him out to talk to him about why he's having to do this work right now, why it's important to their evaluation of his needs. I could kiss her. I think something in the way she said it, hit home for him.

Shannon L.