this sounds exactly like my DS8. mildly gifted and higher in math with no support from school to find proper challenges within classroom and no chance of subject acceleration.

Last year in grade 2 we took him out ONE afternoon a week where I homeschooled. I found a great online program (not for gifted) and we worked through the 3rd grade curriculum, some 4th and 5th.

It was great, b/c I could "test" him, not recreate the wheel for him but find that which really challenged him. Seeing his ability in full force was amazing - to see what he really could do. This is what continues to fuel me when I feel I'm up against a brick wall.

This year, he'll start G&T formally but even so, we are planning on ONE morning a week (maybe 45 min.) where I can teach new concepts.

It keeps his enthusiasm up b/c he earns rewards for "best efforts" and he's challenged. I think his response after our first HS was, "I have NEVER learned so much."

HS does seem daunting, but once you get a hold of what you need and can do, it falls into place. I'm happy to share more in depth what we used and how I got the standards to be sure what he was doing was in line with the State.
