Originally Posted by Catalana
He is very clearly a whole word reader - he still has a hard time with sounding out, and spelling is definitely not his strong suit (I was the exact same way, I don't remember learning to read, I just started to do it) - and it cracks us up when he can't connect a word he knows verbally with a word he is reading - can lead to some very funny questions ("Mom, can we take a trip to Yozmight some time?", "Where??", "You know, Yozmight, where Half Dome is", "Oh, you mean Yosemite. . .").

Hi Cat
OMG, we have those same conversations!!! Early on with magic treehouse, he was referring to a scorer, or scorerer which is how I kept hearing it. I even asked him to spell it from memory and he did pretty well,and I was able to figure out he meant sorcerer. He gets so annoyed, sometimes that he treats us like we are either hard of hearing or from another country, getting either louder or slower . . . I SAID . . . LOL on the other hand it's teaching great definitional skills as I often have to ask him to use it in a sentence!
