I am new to this forum and desperate for guidance. We are skipping my daughter from 3rd to 4th at the beginning of this school year. She is in the top of her class and is devastated if she misses one point on anything. She is fair in all subjects but really excels in English, she devours a book a day and has read the Pullman series, the little house on the prarie series, all of the Harry Potter books, and on and on. I am having a hard time finding books that are a high enough reading level but at an appropriate emotional level. She has already read all of the EB White stuff as well. We are hoping that skipping a grade will allow her to "fit in" better. She is thought of as weird. As much as I'm nervous about her skipping a grade I at least feel slightly equiped to provide her with the resources she needs to excel. On the other hand, I have a "highly gifted" second grader, as early as pre-school they wanted us to have him tested. My husband and I choked when we saw the cost, then they proceeded to tell us that we should try and get him into Mirman, we further choked when we saw it came with a $24k a year price tag. I was fortunate to be a stay at home mom for four year and we made volcanos and did daily science experiments, he can beat me in chess in three moves. I have had to go back to work because of the economy and the things I was able to provide I am no longer able to provide and life is becoming more and more challenging every day. We have a hard time keeping him occupied and don't have the resources to provide him his very own dexters lab. Any suggestions? He is not a read it kind of kid, but a breed it, build it, destroy it kind of kid. It is sooo hard, we have completed every kit from the science center and he is moving beyond my ability.

Thanks for listening.