Thanks for the reply, you have been always helpful:-)

You know what, I felt bit strange when I brought his worksheet to school, because that sound crazy, I get used to the look from many people as: "He did this?? Are you are he understand it??"

I know he is gifted child, if he is MG, I like him just hang arround with age peers, staying in GT class or even normal class. He is short, young, sensitive, I don't want to push him grade skip.

His reading and writing is good, 2 years ahead, but I don't worry about it.I perfer him stay in normal class just accelerate math, the problem is, I don't think the teacher will fully understand his math ability, because even sometimes I don't( I was really good at math when I was young)
Is that possible to get private tutors, or you let your son self tought himself if he wants to learn any?

About how to get cube root of 12167, my son worked it out his own way without caculator: the last number is 7, so the last number of cube root should be 3(3 cube is 27), 13 is too small, 33 is too big, therefor 23 is the one.

His way to figure out math problem always blow me away, it is not about just knows times table or long divition, it is about his senses to number, his thought, his reasoning skill, way beyond his age children, sometimes even adult.

I will check with your old posts, again, thanks a lot.

And Thanks for the all others, and this Forum, I feel like here is the only place I can talk free and ask for advices.