Good grief. And they specified that this thing that offended them was posted here, Davidson Gifted, and by your userid, Trina? I can't see anything that could possibly have offended a reasonable teacher, and cling to the possibility that they've misidentified something else entirely as being by you... You really would think, though, that they'd have a conversation with you about it rather than simply throwing you out. Regardless of whether they've actually been offended by something you really said, or whether they're taking offence at something that wasn't even you, I agree with you that you've had a narrow escape if that's behaviour they think is reasonable.

If it were me, I'd write a calm letter expressing extreme disappointment at how they've chosen to handle this, and bewilderment at what can have offended them [with the URL of the page that gives links to all your posts], and see whether they came back saying that it's all a giant misunderstanding and they are terribly sorry. If they did, I'd consider cautiously whether or not to give them another chance. If they did not, I'd post the name of the school on this thread, to give future parents (whether of gifted or ND children) who are googling the school a shot at finding out what they're getting into while they still have a chance of deciding not to.

Email: my username, followed by 2, at google's mail