It was pretty good. He spent most of the time looking around and trying to read everything on the walls and around the room. He commented that there was so much waiting which he didn't like. I found there was SO much busy work too which was a bit frustrating for him and me. Little things he needs to learn like working with a small group of children and using a glue stick should keep him busy for another week or two. He really surprised me by writing a three page story though - the first time he has ever been willing to write without nagging me for every word he isn't positive he can spell and the first time he's written more than two or three sentences. He was very disappointed with the reading material - he was just slotted in with their highest group which is still 2 - 3 years below where he's reading and understanding comfortably, so I'm glad they didn't do maths, I hate to think what he'd be offered there.
We'll see how it goes I think.