We opted to keep dd10 is a specific school last year despite the fact that she'd get more in some areas in another school b/c the first school had a highly intelligent GT teacher where the other one had a GT coordinator who struck me as of no more than average intelligence at best.
This is something I have wondered about a few times... Does it matter if the gifted ed teacher is not very gifted? I suspect the gifted ed teacher at our school thinks gifted children are wonderful and genuinely wants to help them do well, but I don't know that she "gets" it. I heard her say recently that she went to primary school with a well known PG child (you would all know the PG child in question but I don't want to reveal enough to identify her/myself/our school) and it makes me wonder how much her career path was influenced by growing up seeing someone so out there and being impressed and wanting to be near that. Does that make sense? More of a fan than a guide...