Originally Posted by SharonM
I have to agree with Grinity there. It bothers me that so many gifted resources and books don't really deal with the more select population I tend to work with (top 2%). And when a kid is rare even in that group, it's really hard to figure out what to do.

Our school doesn't grade skip often, but on the rare times that we have, I think it's been very warranted and if I remember correctly, typically a success.
Try Hoagie's Page
for more info on kids who are 'unusual in the top 2%'

I love that there are books aimed at the 'top 10%' - I strongly believe that the author needs to state- on the cover -who they are talking to. And that will probably include some numbers to be clear:
Some possibilities:
'Kids who score in the top 5% on State grade-level exams'
'Kids who are rare in the population - top half a percent if IQ tests reflect them clearly'
'Kids with a few areas of learning strength who are ordinary in other learning areas.'
'Kids with GAI over 135 and WM/PSI under 115'


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