I didn't do anything about it smile Sometimes I just had to explain that DS traveled with a family of imaginary cats. They drove in a car behind us wherever we went and caused all kinds of mischief lol You better look out because DS started with one black cat too! His name was E.G. and one by one his family started to move in with us! Those cats were around forever!

DD had Eleanor who lived in her invisible pocket. Eleanor was 11 feet tall and had red eyes which did concern me! Then Eleanor's sister Tina joined us. It was Tina's birthday everyday! what fun! Eventually Eleanor moved out of state with my SIL when she came to visit. A year later Eleanor moved back!

Her oddest friend was BigLittle. A tapemeasure that would extend it's lonnngggg tongue to lick cat food off the ceiling.

Kids are so imaginative, I never minded if they seemed "odd" in public. Actually, because I would just explain the imaginary friend thing most people thought it was really neat and shared imaginary friend stories about their own children and sometimes themselves smile