
At 2.9 it's worth asking if the older class/room might be an option. If not I think a twos area sounds questionable, soley because I've never personally seen one that would work for my own DS.

Have you considered family type daycare (usually one woman and 4 or 5 kids of various ages), babysitting, part time nanny? Best found via friends or local mother's group, ask local elementary schools what teachers are home raising kids, etc.

For daycare/preschool visits, ask when the optimal time is to visit and then come an hour before that and say oops we seem to be here early. For example many providers prefer you not come at drop off time because it's a busy time for them, but it's also when you get to see how they handle a busy time, whether the kids seem miserable on separation, and how long that lasts for them.

Things to look for:

Are you mobbed. If you are the center attraction for very long, that means the environment is understimulating.

Is there aimless milling. Are there are kids wandering aimlessly or just sitting and staring for more than a very few minutes.

Is the teacher warm.

Does the teacher know personal details about the kids and use them in conversation, toy choice, etc. "Caden how was your weekend, did your grandma come over?". "Are you going to play with the cars first today or the dinosaurs?"

Does the teacher rely on rules without good explanation at a good level for the child. Is it, "Don't do that.
Or, "Don't do that or you will get a red warning", or "No hitting, hitting hurts". Is what the teacher does going to work for your DS.

What is the ratio of the caregiver's positive comments to negative. Is it "Oh Anna what wonderful sharing", "Anna I like how you look right at me when you talk to me", "Anna please use an indoor voice". Or is it only the last one.

These things are nearly all teacher related. The rest of it hardly matters to most kids of this age, if they like the teacher and the teacher is nice to them then it will be an okay experience even if the other kids are boring or don't share.

That begets the idea that ratio is really important at this age. If the quality is dependent more on the teacher than anything else then the fewer 2 year olds the better. If one follows that thought to it's natural conclusion it's that zero other 2 year olds are the optimal situation. Which is the conclusion I've come to viewing several daycares and thinking that finding another a not-too-busy mom or babysitter might be a better option.

We ended up just getting regular babysitting and juggling until my DS turned 3 and was eligible for the classes (3 and up) that are more fun and stimulating.

The disclaimer: I saw several very happy 2 year olds in daycares I visited. The personality type that liked it seemed to be intelligent but easy going. Someone who likes to be in a crowd or likes social stimulation, doesn't mind pleasing authority, and who attaches pretty easily. That all did just not happen to describe my DS.
