No, his IQ is 120. His VCI actually isn't very low compared to that. It is 114, so only 6 points lower. That is within normal deviation, so no significant scatter. I'm sorry I confused things, I accidently looked at the numerical total of the subtests (127) on the FSIQ line, not the actual 120. So ignore the 127 and everything I said in reference to it.

In regard to his IQ of'll have to ask your school district what the discrepancy is between IQ and achievement that they consider to be a learning disablility. For our school system, it is 15 points. Looking at your scores, his writing scores on the WJ consistently fall below 105 (15 points below 120), so it would appear that he has a disorder of written expression. The only other test that falls below 105 is math calculation.

I'm afraid I don't know a thing about the beery VMI.