Originally Posted by KateZ
At the same time, I'm not medicating my son because his symptoms are manageable without medication and I don't want to go through the medication adjustment process with a kid. Adjusting my meds was a very unpleasant process for me. I don't think the benefit of meds outweighs the costs for my son. (Again, his ADHD symptoms are mild. YMMV.)

This is my thought process. Am I jumping on the medication bandwagon too soon? How bad does the inattentiveness have to be? What is "mild" and what is "severe"? How do I know the problems that I perceive to be from the ADD will improve? I know there are no good answers to these questions...I just feel terrible putting him through all of the trial and error and unpleasantness of the wrong meds. At the same time, if it "fixes" all of our issues, it would be well worth it.