I have heard of Spellbound but I have not seen it. There is no way my son would spend that amount of time working on spelling if he were in school.

At home he sees interesting words all day long through reading higher level books than they would let him read at our public school. He is reading a thesaurus and he lets me quiz him on the spelling of these words. He reads National Graphic magazine and Popular Science. He reads a lot of stuff on Wikipedia and clicks on the links to learn more and he always notices new words. He likes to look up the definitions and etymology. His MMORPG games and Yu-Gi-Oh games contain words that were on his spelling bee list. He likes to use the words in his speech whenever he gets a chance even though he found out this is not socially acceptable. You are supposed to dumb down your conversation even around adults.

His piano teacher today talked to him about how bad she felt when she made dumb mistakes and how she had to learn to get past it and she did. I haven't told his acting teacher yet. I think she will be very surprised that he got stage fright since he has had to do parts before in musical theater where he was the only person on stage speaking in front of an audience. He has even had to sing solo parts and that didn't bother him that much although he prefers to sing in a group. He was even surprised that he "finally experienced stagefright."