
DD5's teacher has said she won't give her more complicated maths at school because she hasn't learnt her addition facts adequately. At home dd is doing grade 3 maths on her own and can add muliple figures accurately in her head (though she has to write a sum down if she has to regroup). So I was surprised when I approached the teacher about some more challenging work and she mentioned that dd is being challenged by doing her 10-20 addition facts.

I suspect dd has a similar issue with maths she she does with reading. If the work is substantially below level she just doesn't pay attention, rushes through and gets things wrong. But of course my first response is 'oh, maybe I've misinterpretd her ability' - LOL crazy

The teacher is the school's numeracy specialist so is 'the expert' on maths. She has said she will assess dd for me when she has time (she has been great this last month following on from our earlier issues, and it is report time here so this is not an unreasonable statement). I guess I am wondering if others have seen this kind of thing happening with something so basic? And any thoughts on what, if anything in particular, I should be be secific about asking to be assessed?

Thanks smile

Last edited by Giftodd; 06/01/11 07:16 PM.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke