
I am interested in the parallels between some of the symptoms of Aspergers compared to a non ASD child with a verbal reasoning IQ on the 98th centile. I am aware of the book by James Webb but nothing else. Is there any other research available that shows some of the characteristics that overlap? For example our son has some sensory issues, social interaction issues with his peers and obsessions etc etc.

We had thought that our son might have Aspergers as people have commented on his differences compared to other children every day since aged about 6 months. He progressed very early for example knowing his alphabet and speaking in sentences at 18 months but has achieved very little in 2 years at school as is still unable to write. His IQ was tested recently aged 6 and the conclusion was that he does not have Aspergers or any weaknesses. They have no concerns about his inability or refusal to write (we are in the UK).

We wanted to be able to explain that his characteristics can be explained by his IQ even if he is not Aspergers so all help would be very welcome.

Many thanks.