When DD8.5 was three, I realized that she could add fractions in her head. We were baking and I needed to double a recipe. She doubled 3/4 cup instantly and did the rest of the recipe as well. Easy peasy for her. She couldn't explain how she did it, just said that the answer was in her head. Now, she is finishing grade three and seems to have no recollection of her previous knowledge of fractions. They weren't a big focus in math class this year, but it was like she was learning it for the first time. Once I taught her to change all fractions into pictures in her head (cutting pizza into pieces is her favourite), it clicked. For her, everything has to be verbalized or pictured. I am sure that is what was going on when she was three and doubling the recipe. She can't tell you how she gets an answer, it seems like she makes patterns and pictures in her head and then, poof, the answer appears. If she thinks too hard about anything or tries to break it down into steps, her ability decreases tremendously.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery