(((Group HUG)))

I'm so relieved to find moms who understand that my four year old isn't "typical"!

I try to tell my husband that his son isn't like other kids his age, but I think maybe because DS still so young and we don't have any other children, he doesn't quite "get it" yet.

Although, I have to say...sometimes he comes in after "lights out" and tells me things our son says to him and he has this look on his face like, "Holy S*IT! Can you believe he said this!!!" LOL

From what I've read and the Free reading ability screening test online test I used, our son (4 early in 2011) is testing at a third grade reading and a first grade comprehension level.

I know that the preschool we have him signed up for (mostly play-based) is right for him psychologically, but academically...he's going to get nothing.

Is that OK?