i can only share our experience but I am sure the experts will have good advice for you:)

DD7 was starting to have trouble with math and spelling. i remembered she had lower scores (inconsistent with the rest of her IQ testing) in processing speed so I found a place that does cognitive math training. Well, that went out the window when they met DD and told me she needs OT. I never thought to get her OT! So this was the craziest path from thinking I needed a math tutor, associating it with her testing, ending up at OT and now she has been diagnosed through her therapist with a few issues. The school said if it was a year ago she would have been automatically classified as LD but not with the new rules. Ugh. so, we are working with the school to get a couple of accomodations.

It was great that I already had the testing done. You can maybe go to a local university. I did that once and it was $150 instead of $350 for the private psychologist.

good luck!